Informativa sulla privacy

Your privacy

We want your data to be safe, so we take care of it very diligently. We apply the official regulations resulting from the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

  1. What information do we collect?

Data provided during registration on the website or contact with our service center, i.e. name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, etc.

In addition, we automatically save data about the browser that is used, IP address, page browsing time, etc. We use cookies for this, more about them in point nr 9

  1. Why do we ask for them?

We ask you to provide data, because they are primarily needed for the execution of the order, response to the submitted inquiry and the providing of services. What’s more, we want the services to be tailored to your needs as much as possible. We improve the services and functioning of the website.

  1. How do we use them?

We provide information on the status of the order, service or product. We inform about changes in services. We send personalized offers. We analyze the history of purchases and activities. All activities are performed in accordance with applicable lawart. 6 sec. 1 GDPR

  1. How long do we process?

Due to the applicable regulations, we store data for no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are used.

  1. Who do we share with?

We only share your data with third parties in the following circumstances:

In a situation where the website is our subcontractor and it is necessary for the performance of the service

In a situation where the party is authorized to do so by applicable regulations, e.g. the police, court

In the event of claims being made, we may pass the data on to the insurers

In a situation where it is anonymous or collective data, we can also share it.

  1. Your rights

In accordance with your rights, you can:

Obtain information about the processing of personal data

Obtain copies of the data that is processed

Correct, complete or delete your data

Limit the scope of the data

Resign from data sharing

File an objection or complaint regarding the protection of personal data

  1. Cookies

These are files that allow the website to run properly and to use the functions available there. They are saved on the user’s output device as small text files and enable the data to be saved for subsequent visits. We use them for the purposes of analyzes and adaptation of services to the client’s needs.